Wednesday, November 6, 2013

House of Hades By- Rick Riordan

House of Hades

By Rick Riordan

Stars-☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Rating- G-PT

This was an absolutely thrilling sequel to a completely wonderful series. Now before even thinking about this book please be advised to read the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief series as well as the Heroes of Olympus Series also by Rick Riordan. This is the third book in the Heroes of Olympus series and Mr. Riordan does not disappoint. Despite the fact that the entire series has been going for over eight years now the characters voices and personalities remain consistent with their character which is a very difficult thing to do. This book will want you to keep reading for hours which is exactly what I did. I read the first half of the book in three hours of strait non stop reading. It was that intense. There were parts that made me want to cry of joy and parts where I wanted to scream and yell but it was completely worth it. There was one plot twist near the end that I did not see coming at all and I find that it was quite a pleasant surprise. All in all this book is wonderful, appropriate for everyone, and probably one of the best books I've ever read.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ship Breaker By Paolo Bacigalupi

Ship Breaker

By- Paolo Bacigalupi

Rating- PT-T

Ship Breaker is an intense thrilling novel and is the sequel to The Drowned Cities. In this quick-paced book the main character, Nailer, lives on the coast of what we think could be the gulf of Mexico, and breaks into old steamer ships hunting for scavenge parts. Hence the title he is given, "ship breaker." He lives in a community that is susceptible to awful hurricanes called "city killers" that attack the shore and almost decimate the area. But when a city killer washes up a clipper ship he thinks his luck has changed. Perhaps the scavenge and items on the ship will wave him from the awful life he had been living. Nut what is on that ship changes his life much more than he expected. But of course I can't spoil the plot. Now this book was amazing and great but at the same time it made me really uncomfortable. A lot of the gruesome details quite simply completely grossed me out and the details about this brave new world Nailer lives in shocked and depressed me. In this time the world as we know it has been eradicated. The United States is gone and what replaces it is the dystopian community made up of small tribes living off of and selling what was left behind. It made me really upset and sad that that was what the U.S. came to, just a bloody, violent society. It is definitely a wonderful book but the reaction it inspires may not be too pleasant.

Rated PT-T for violence and gore.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Paper Towns By John Green

Paper Towns

By- John Green

Stars- ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Rating- T-MT

Paper Towns is a book about a soon to graduate high schooler, Quentin Jacobsen, that reunites with his best friend from his child-hood, Margo Roth Spiegelman. They have an epic last minute fun filled adventure and Quentin thinks his friendship with Margo might be rekindling at last until Margo mysteriously disappears the night after. On his epic journey to discover who Margo really is and where she went or where she was taken, he learns more about himself and life than he ever would have thought. John Greens perceptions of life are impeccable and he tells this story with a comedic air, but also a very serious side. He takes you through heartbreak, hope and truth and deception, tells you more about the world than anyone could have ever thought all while creating an amazing and heartbreaking story. Everyone should read this book.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

An Abundance of Katherines

By: John Green

Stars- ☆☆☆☆½
Rating- MT-M

An Abundance of Katherines is an absolutely amazing book about young Colin Singleton who, along with his best friend Hassan Harbish, go on a road trip to Tennessee. Colin is still upset by his recent break up with Katherine. The nineteenth Katherine he has dated in his life. There they meet Hollis and Lindsey Lee Wells where they somehow get a job taking interviews about the history of Gutshot, Tennessee. There they befriend several other Gutshotians and have some hilarious adventures. Pardon me if I'm making this vague but I don't want to give any spoilers on this absolutely amazing book. This book is rated MT-M for sexual content and bad language. Or the replacement of bad language with an almost equally bad word. But I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

Ender's Game By Orson Scott Card

Ender's Game

By: Orson Scott Card

Stars- ☆☆☆☆☆
Rating- PT-MT

Ender's Game is a 1985 classic novel set in the future where the human race is under a long war against the bugs, an alien race. In this book a super intelligent 6 year old prodigy must defy the odds to help end the war against the bugs. This book is thrilling and raises a lot of good questions about human nature. It is an intense classic but can be gory and frightening. Actually it is mostly gory and frightening but has good points and an intense plot line that will keep you on the edge of your seat constantly. It is rated PT-MT for gore and graphic violence.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Looking for Alaska By John Green

Looking for Alaska

By: John Green

Stars- ☆☆☆☆☆
Rating- MT-M

I recently reviewed another of John Green's books and just couldn't get enough of his writing, but Looking for Alaska is definitely his best. If you thought The Fault in our Stars was good then this book will blow your mind. Its about a boy named Miles Halter who went to a boarding school called Culver Creek looking for a "Great Perhaps." Miles memorizes last words from biographies. At Culver Creek he meets new friends and has some amazing adventures, and then it happens. "It" refers to the main event of the book which is foreshadowed to beautifully. But no spoilers! This book is rated MT-M for sexual content and foul language. All and all this book will make you want to scream and bang your head against a wall and the ending will bring you to tears but it is absolutely worth it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time By Mark Haddon

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

By: Mark Haddon

Stars- ☆☆☆☆
Rating- T

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is a book about a boy named Christopher John Francis Boone getting through the world with special needs. In the book you get through see the world through his eyes as he solves the curious incident of the dog in the night-time. It's a touching book and really interesting and exciting to read and journey through Christopher's mind. It's rated teen because it mentions sex but there are no actual inappropriate scenes.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Fault in our Stars By John Green

The Fault in our Stars

By: John Green

Stars- ☆☆☆☆ ½
Rating- T- MT

The Fault in our Stars is a book about a girl named Hazel who is growing up with lung cancer. But it is not the classic inspirational cancer book. It is sad and happy but mostly sad. It's like 70% dark chocolate, sad with little tastes of sweetness buried deep. To be honest it was an amazing book. It was sad and dark but that made it more real. This book makes you take the good with the bad and love all of it together. Its rated teen to mature teen because of one sex scene. This book will make you scream and cry but I guarantee it will be worth it.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

So Much it Hurts By Monique Polak

So Much it Hurts

By: Monique Polak

Stars- ☆☆☆☆
Rating- MT-M

So Much it Hurts is a book about an aspiring actress named Iris Wagner. Her father left under mysterious circumstances when she was young and she lives with her mother in Montreal, Canada. She feels her life was boring until she meets a director who visits her acting class. This book really inspired a lot of reaction in me. Mostly I was angry and upset that Iris was so naive, though I won't say why (spoilers). At one point I threw the book down on my bed in frustration. I suppose thats a good thing, that writing is supposed to make you react but honestly the character Iris really frustrated me. On the other hand I felt like I could relate to her which made the book really conflicting and confusing for me. The book has sexual content, bad language, and some mention of drugs, which is why it is rated Mature Teen to Mature. I look forward to when the book comes out in September.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Lily and Taylor by Elise Moser

Lily and Taylor

By: Elise Moser

Stars- ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Rating- M-A

Lily and Taylor is a dramatic and climactic book that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. It is about a girl, Taylor, who moves in with her grandmother after her sister is killed by her abusive boyfriend. Taylor is left with her nephew Mason and some unresolved feelings and conflict with her abusive boyfriend Devon. Later we meet Lily in a completely separate chapter and soon their stories converge seamlessly. One of my favorite parts was realizing who Lily was. It is intense and the story has a very well developed plot but I just couldn't quite say the same about the characters. It is just a small note but some of the things they say seem out of place and awkward, like lines from a play instead of something more natural. Other than that the story line is sad at times but heartfelt, real, and honest in the end. It has a good moral and is a good read for a mature teenager or adult. You can tell the author really cares about this subject. There is a lot of sexual content, including some sex scenes, foul language, and mention of drugs. The moral is wonderful, and I look forward to seeing it come out this September.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

They Came to Baghdad by Agatha Christie

They Came to Baghdad

By: Agatha Christie

Stars- ☆☆☆☆½
Rating- G

They came to Baghdad is an amazing book. As always Christie's writing is thrilling and suspenseful. It is not one of the most recognized of her books, but that is mostly because she has made so many. It is perfect for almost anyone who is able to read above a 4th grade level. There are no very descriptive death scenes although if you scare easily my advice is to not read it at night or alone. Personally I find it is like a giant jigsaw puzzle, and i challenge you to try to discover the villain before the main character does! It's rated G for general audiences but the vocabulary can be tough if your not used to her style. All in all it is a wonderful read.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The FireBird by Susanna Kearsley

The Firebird

By: Susanna Kearsly

Stars- ☆☆☆☆
Rating- M-A

           The Firebird is a magical and inspirational story about a young secretary to an art connoisseur chasing the history of a small wooden "fire bird." The main character's, Nicola's, task seems impossible at first until we learn that she has the ability to see the history of an object by touching it. With the power of this ability and some friends she meets along the way she discovers a touching history while making her future. The book is 526 pages long and requires a lot of patience. It is more of an adult book because of the length and one sexual scene. Over all it is a stunning book with a heartfelt story that brings together the past and present perfectly.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Twilight Saga By Stephenie Meyer


by Stephenie Meyer

Stars- ☆☆
Rating- Book 1- PT       Book 2- T      Book 3- T      Book 4- M

Ok, first of all just no. This book is the cheesiest and silliest book I've ever read. Some of the writing is good but the plot line is just so dumb. I'm sorry but a vampire and werwolf fighting over a girl sounds pretty idiotic. But If you really want to read it then you might as well read the whole thing to get it out of your system. The first two books are ok but there is some sexual tension so they're rated Pre-Teen to Teen. The second two books are more explicit therefore they are rated Teen to Mature.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins

Stars- ☆☆☆☆
Rating- PT-T

The Hunger Games series is thrilling. A great post apocalypse novel where the government selects two children form each of 12 districts to fight to the death in the annual, "Hunger Games." The Hunger Games are a punishment to the districts for rebelling in the past. There are some gory scenes with some very extensive descriptions. Its rated Pre-Teen to Teen because of the nasty scenes of the death of multiple characters.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Matched by Ally Condie


By Ally Condie

Stars- ☆☆☆☆
Rating- PT-T

Matched is a post apocalyptic book in which the world has crumbled and a new society was born. The new society, cleverly named The Society, seems awfully overbearing. There are only 100 songs, poems, paintings, ect. The rest have been "Purged" from society. Everyone caries a blue, green, and red pill which all have very interesting effects. I won't spoil anything of course. The citizens time, activities, knowledge, and belongings are restricted. In this society people are matched with their most "optimal partner" for life. Its like an arranged marriage. This is what happens to the main character Cassia. But I won't spoil the book for everyone. It is a riveting book full of action and adventure and forbidden romance. It will keep you on the edge of your seat and I absolutely can't wait to read the sequel Crossed

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Insurgent- Veronica Roth


Veronica Roth

Stars- ☆☆☆☆
Rating- T

Insurgent is the sequel to to Divergent, a wonderful novel. In this sequel the story line really picks up and it shows just how completely awesome the main characters are. Romance and action story lines twist and turn and tie in knots. Its a fast paced book, much faster than the first and continues to keep you on the edge of your seat. It can be violent at times and very intense but its definitely worth it.

Divergent- Veronica Roth


Veronica Roth

Stars- ☆☆☆☆ 
Rating- PT-T

Divergent is first of all a wonderful book. A lot like the Hunger Games, Divergent is a dystopian society book in which the main city is organized in five main factions. Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Erudite, and Dauntless. All the factions value certain character traits, Abnegation values selflessness, Amity Peace, Candor Honesty, Erudite Knowledge, and Dauntless Bravery. It is an amazing book involving romance and plenty of action. All and all a great read and an exciting book to the beginning of a great series. I can't wait to read the sequel Insurgent.